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Bloomberg Terminal (Business Library | HCHB RM 1984) Capacity: 1

Bloomberg Terminal


Reserve the Bloomberg Terminal

Reservations are required to use the Bloomberg Terminal. Please respect your colleagues by using the Terminal during your reservation window. It is only available for Department of Commerce employees.

  • If you are a walk-in, book the Terminal when you sit down before you start your research to guarantee an uninterrupted session.
  • Email yourself the files you want to keep. If you need to keep a file on the Bloomberg Terminal, save it to the Save Space folder on the Desktop. Create a new folder with your name.

Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring fair access
to this shared terminal for all HCHB staff.

To learn more about using Bloomberg Terminal, please visit our guide: Using the Bloomberg Terminal. Our Bloomberg rep is available for virtual one-on-one training sessions. Please get in touch with Ewai Hu at to schedule. Have a question? Email the Commerce Research Library at

Accessible Seat/Space
Power Available


The Bloomberg Terminal is in the Business Library of the Commerce Research Library (RM 1984 - the side with the gray carpet). The Library is open Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; take the 6th corridor elevators to the 1st floor, and follow the red signs to reach the Business Library.

   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding